What We Do

On the Journey Towards the Abundant Life

  • IN

    Within our congregation, we understand that the spiritual life is grounded in practicing awareness of the spirit of Christ that dwells within each of us. In our church, we give all who attend the opportunity to study God’s Word and the work of those who have sought to interpret it over the story of Christianity. During worship, we invite all to enjoy moments of quiet contemplation and spoken prayer, while exploring the various ways that the faithful in every time and place have cultivated a strong inner being.

  • OUT

    It has been said that justice is our love put into practice. In this way, we share the love of God to all we meet along the journey whether in the form of a free warm meal on a cold day, an invitation to worship with us, our unwavering commitment to welcoming all of God’s children into our space with a special focus on members of the LGBTQIA+ communities and all who feel exiled from their faith or without a church home, or our worship services out of the sanctuary and into the park during our summer “UPC in the Park” worship and fellowship. In all we do we seek to be the hands and feet of Christ in a hurting world.

  • WITH

    Our church family shines best when we are together in worship, fellowship, and study. During our Sunday gatherings, we walk with one another, sharing burdens and celebrating joys. At the table, we proclaim the love of God for all people by inviting all who hunger to be fed and reminding ourselves that the table at which we break bread is always and only God’s table—where none are turned away. In our monthly fellowship meals, we sit around tables filled with good food and conversation as we reconnect with our siblings in the faith. In Sunday school, we read and wrestle with texts written by authors with divergent understandings of faith and religion. In all these things our doors remain forever open for any and all to join us in our striving for the abundant life.