What We Believe


We believe that we are called to be in partnership with all our siblings in Christ and to be in relationship with all creation.

We believe that all of creation emerged from the love of God. God's love and grace continue to move throughout creation, reconciling all the world with the Divine.

We believe that humankind moved from a condition of innocence and away from the will of God, for God's world. In our actions, sin entered into the world and continues to wreak havoc on our relationships with one another and God's good creation.

We believe that in the life, death, new life, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we are reconciled to the Spirit of God and made partners with God in the reconciliation of all creation back to God.

We believe that since the commencement of time the Holy Spirit has dwelt in creation, inspiring prophets in every epoch to decry injustice, walk with the ones Jesus called the "least of these," and challenge the children of God to better embrace one another in love and fellowship.

We believe that both the Hebrew and Greek scriptures bear witness to the transforming power of God's love for the world. That God spoke through the prophets of the Jewish tradition, challenging the powerful of every time and place to take care of the widow and orphan and to welcome the stranger as family. We believe that the Good News as witnessed to by the earliest followers of Jesus is, for all people, a sign of hope emerging from despair, light from darkness, life from death, and a love that reconciles all people to their Creator.

We believe that the Holy Spirit continues to move unpredictably throughout creation, blowing where She will, and calling on all people to proclaim good news to the poor, release to the captives, sight to the blind, freedom to the oppressed, and the year of God's favor for the world.

We believe that we are called to serve one another as the hands and feet of Christ for a world in desperate need of healing and hope.

We believe that we are called to walk with one another hand-in-hand, emerging from the shadow of the cross and moving towards the eternal light of resurrection.